GULLS Commune
GULLS Commune is where birds of all sorts come to rest. Human birds. Bird birds. Song birds. Love birds. Birds that fly; birds that potter. Birds that spend their lives in migration, and birds that stay put. There's no bird that isn't welcome in the Commune, so long as the bird looks after other birds where it can and lives for worlds that are peaceful, kind, and full of shared nests.
This is a home for self-published zines made collectively by Julie Smirnova and friends. The intention behind them is just to stay in touch with people scattered across and between countries, learn about our different ways of thinking and seeing, and remember that everyone can make art and it doesn't have to be to anyone's standard but our own for it to matter.
The WWW is a big and wild place, thank GULLS we found each other in it!
If you have any Qs, send them over to gullscommune@gmail.com
Birds crowdsourced from: Grace, Julie, Harold, Lelia, Aisling, Will, Angela, Fionn, River, Jas, Lisa, Hugh + Chloe.